Thursday 26 April 2012

Okay, I know this has nothing to do with art and stuff, but do you enjoy reading blogs about personal life or about something like mine or totally educational?

Thy beheaded cow!

Oh, I now am in deep in art supplies! I have one week to make seven cow heads! I started in one and it's not going so well. :( I'm screwed and I know it. At least, it's sorta fun to be covered in glue and paint and some modelling clay. How do you really make a cow head? Any ideas? Just as a reminder, this blog is titled "this amateur artist". I'm not a pro.... yet.

Friday 20 April 2012

What I did when I was bored

When I started to draw and sketch, it was nothing serious. Now, it really is all I want to do. Art is an escape from everything. I might not be perfect at it (clearly I'm not), but there's always room for improvement. When I'm bored I practice and sometimes when work bores me, I draw. Do you think there is such a thing as an addiction to art? I might be coming down in a heavy case! Here's two of my early digital work. Remember these are copyrighted by moi.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Amateur Origins

Oh, to first tell my story, you must know my past and how my methods were. At first I was (still am) addicted to technology and my laptop was my best friend. I started out trying to draw in MS Paint when I was bored. After practice and practice, I did some fancy stuff!